how to protect your crypto wallet

How To Protect Your Crypto Wallet?

In the fast-paced world of cryptocurrency, protecting your hard-earned digital assets is very important. Whether you’re a seasoned crypto enthusiast or just dipping your toes into this realm of Decentralised Finance (DeFi), the security of your crypto wallet should be a top priority. The burning question on everyone’s mind is: how to protect your crypto wallet? In this blog post, we’ll delve into crypto wallet security and explore the ways to secure yourself ? In this blog post, we’ll delve deep into the world of crypto wallet security and explore the various ways your precious funds can be compromised. We’ll not only answer the pressing question of whether crypto wallets can be hacked, but we’ll also provide real-life examples of how these hacking methods play out in practice. But we won’t stop at merely identifying the threats – we’re here to empower you with the knowledge and tools to protect your crypto holdings. We’ll discuss comprehensive strategies to protect your crypto wallet, tailored to each real-life hacking example outlined in the article. We’ll also guide you on the steps to take should the worst happen, and your wallet fall prey to malicious actors. Recovering from a crypto wallet hack can be a daunting process, but we’ll show you the way. Additionally, we’ll explore essential security and privacy measures to fortify your crypto wallet further, ensuring you can sleep soundly knowing your digital assets are safe. So, let’s start this journey to crypto wallet security and equip ourselves with the knowledge and tools to keep our holdings secure in the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrencies.

Can Crypto Wallets Be Hacked?

Yes, crypto wallets can be hacked. While cryptocurrencies are known for their security, hackers always look for ways to exploit vulnerabilities. There have been cases of crypto wallet breaches where hackers gained access to people’s funds. Once they can access your wallet, they will steal your digital assets. It is essential to be cautious and take steps to protect your crypto wallet, which we’ll discuss in detail later in this article. So, the short answer is yes, crypto wallets can be hacked. Still, with the proper precautions, you can significantly reduce the risk.

How Can A Crypto Wallet Get Hacked?

Crypto wallets are essential for managing your digital assets, but they aren’t invincible. It’s crucial to be aware of the different ways your crypto wallet can be vulnerable to hacks so you can protect your hard-earned digital wealth. Let’s explore some common avenues through which hackers target crypto wallets.

Phishing Attacks

Phishing is a deceptive tactic in which hackers impersonate legitimate entities in order to confuse users. Phishing attacks in cryptocurrency frequently involve false websites or emails that appear authentic but are designed to deceive you into disclosing your wallet’s private keys or login credentials.

Keyloggers and Malware

Malicious software, sometimes known as malware, can infiltrate your computer or smartphone. Keyloggers are malware that records your keystrokes and can steal your wallet’s private keys or passwords.

Social Engineering

Hackers may exploit your confidence by tricking you into disclosing sensitive information. They could pose as customer service or acquaintances and request your wallet information or recovery phrases.

Insecure Backup and Recovery Phrases

Backing up your wallet with a recovery phrase is wise, but storing it insecurely can be risky. If someone gets hold of your recovery phrase, they can access your wallet.

Public Wi-Fi and Unsecured Devices

Connecting to public Wi-Fi or using unsecured devices can expose your wallet to potential threats. Hackers can intercept data transmission and potentially gain access to your wallet information. Some hackers even know how to hack Bitcoin wallet with links, too. They trick users into clicking malicious links, gaining access to wallet info through phishing or malware.

Fake Wallet Apps and Extensions

Downloading wallet apps or browser extensions from untrusted sources can be hazardous. Fake apps and extensions can mimic real ones, but they aim to steal your funds.

Third-Party Exchanges and Services

Using external services or exchanges to manage your assets can expose you to additional risks. If these platforms are fraudulent, your wallet could be compromised.

Outdated Software

Failing to update your wallet software leaves it susceptible to known vulnerabilities. Hackers can exploit these weaknesses to compromise your wallet.

Physical Threats

Physical threats, like theft or loss of hardware wallets or paper backups, can result in a total loss of your assets.

Real-World Examples of Crypto Wallet Hacks

Crypto wallets have been hacked in the past. In this section, we will talk about some of them and what led to these hacks.

Mt. Gox

One of the most significant cryptocurrency wallet change breaches occurred at Mt. Gox, where a large portion of the world’s existing Bitcoins was lost due to hacking. This catastrophic event was marked by two notable hacks that unfolded over several years. The initial breach occurred in 2011 when the exchange fell victim to malicious actors. During this incident, approximately 25,000 Bitcoins, equivalent to $70,000 at the time, were stolen from the platform. This early hack should have been a warning sign, but unfortunately, it was just the beginning of Mt. Gox’s troubles. The most devastating blow to Mt. Gox came in 2014 when a second hack transpired. It was later discovered that hackers managed to compromise the exchange’s security during the first hack in 2011. They accessed the auditor’s computer, exploiting this entry point to manipulate Bitcoin prices on the exchange to 1 cent each. Then, they bought multiple BTCs at that price. This audacious manipulation led to the loss of a staggering 650,000 users’ Bitcoins and an additional 100,000 Bitcoins belonging to the exchange itself. The cumulative impact of these losses proved insurmountable, forcing Mt. Gox to declare bankruptcy. The Mt. Gox hack is a reminder of the risks associated with the cryptocurrency world. It underscores the vital importance of robust security measures and the need for constant vigilance to protect digital assets from such devastating breaches.


In the Binance hack incident of October 2022, the attackers exploited a vulnerability within the cross-chain bridge known as the BSC Token Hub. This breach led to the creation of additional BNB tokens seemingly appearing out of nowhere. The attackers manipulated this vulnerability to their advantage, resulting in a significant financial loss. During the breach, a staggering 7,000 Bitcoins (equivalent to approximately $570 million) were stolen from Binance. This large-scale theft sent shockwaves through the cryptocurrency community because of its popularity. The attackers used BSC Token Hub, a cross-chain bridge, to withdraw 2 million BNB tokens that never existed. This incident highlighted the vulnerability of even the most prominent cryptocurrency exchanges to sophisticated cyberattacks. Binance, to its credit, acted swiftly to address the situation and mitigate the damage. They reassured affected users and pledged to cover the losses, demonstrating their commitment to maintaining trust and security within the crypto space. The Binance hack serves as a sobering reminder of the importance of security within the cryptocurrency world. It emphasises the need for continuous vigilance and robust security measures not only for crypto exchanges but also for individual users to safeguard their assets from potential threats.


In a significant incident around March 2022, the Ronin Network fell victim to a security breach, resulting in a substantial loss of digital assets. This unfortunate event saw malicious fraudsters exploiting vulnerabilities to conduct unauthorised transactions and get away with a considerable amount of Ethereum and the USDC stablecoin, collectively valued at approximately $625 million. During this breach, an attacker, rumoured to be Lazarus Group, used compromised private keys to orchestrate fraudulent transfers through the Ronin bridge. This unlawful manoeuvre was executed across two separate transactions, allowing the attacker to siphon off a substantial sum of USDC. The breach not only highlighted the importance of solid security measures within the blockchain and crypto space but also served as a stark reminder of the persistent threats that the ecosystem faces. The Ronin Network hack is a striking example of how even well-established platforms can be susceptible to security breaches, underscoring the need for ongoing vigilance and investment in safeguarding digital assets. In response to the incident, the Ronin Network and associated parties have taken steps to investigate the breach, recover stolen assets, and enhance security protocols to prevent similar occurrences in the future. This experience serves as a crucial lesson for all participants in the crypto world, emphasising the critical role of security practices and the need for continuous efforts to protect your digital purchases.


The BitKeep hack was a concerning incident that shook the crypto community. The BitKeep team officially confirmed, through their Telegram group, that certain APK package downloads were tampered with by malicious individuals. These downloads were injected with unauthorised code by hackers. Now, let’s delve into the grim details of this breach. A staggering $8 million worth of assets were stolen during this attack. These assets included 4,373 Binance Coins (BNB), 5.4 million Tether (USDT), 196,000 Dai (DAI), and 1,233.21 Ethereum (ETH). The breach’s impact was significant, highlighting the vulnerability of crypto assets. It serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining rigorous security measures when dealing with cryptocurrency.

Recovering from a Wallet Hack

Discovering that your crypto wallet has been hacked can be a heart-wrenching experience. However, it’s crucial to act swiftly and follow a set of steps to minimise the damage and regain control of your digital assets. In this section, we’ll explore what you should do if your wallet gets hacked.

  • Isolate and Secure: When you suspect a breach, disconnect your compromised device from the internet. This prevents the attacker from further compromising your wallet. If it’s a hardware wallet, unplug it. If it’s a software wallet on your computer or phone, turn off your network connection.
  • Change Passwords and Keys: If the hacker can access your wallet’s private keys or passwords, change them immediately. Generate new, strong passwords and secure your private keys in a safer location.
  • Contact Your Wallet Provider: Contact the wallet provider’s support team. They can provide guidance and may assist in tracking the hack. Some wallets offer recovery options but rely on something other than this, so you should be proactive.
  • Check Transaction History: Review your wallet’s transaction history to identify all unauthorised transactions. This will help you determine the extent of the breach.
  • Notify Authorities: Depending on your jurisdiction, you might need to report the hack to law enforcement. This can be important for legal purposes and may aid in recovering your funds.
  • Block the Attacker: If you know the wallet address of the hacker, you can block it to prevent further outgoing transactions. While this won’t recover your stolen assets, it can stop other losses.
  • Trace the Transactions: Use blockchain explorers to trace the movement of the stolen funds. This can provide insights into the attacker’s actions, though it’s often challenging to follow the money trail.
  • Alert the Crypto Community: Inform the crypto community about the hack. Sharing the attacker’s wallet address and modus operandi on social media and forums can help warn others and potentially assist in tracking the thief.
  • Consult Security Experts: If you’re struggling to regain control or trace the attacker, consider seeking help from cybersecurity professionals or organisations specialising in blockchain forensics.
  • Consider Legal Action: Depending on the circumstances and the applicable laws in your jurisdiction, pursuing legal action against the attacker may be an option. Consult with legal experts for guidance in this regard.
  • Stay Informed: Keep a close eye on news and forums related to the cryptocurrency community. Sometimes, hacks lead to the recovery of stolen assets or new security practices. Staying informed can be helpful in your quest to regain control.

How To Protect Your Crypto Wallet?

Protecting your crypto wallet is of utmost importance in the world of cryptocurrencies. With the rising threats of hacking and cyber-attacks, taking proactive security measures is crucial to safeguard your digital assets. Let’s delve into some practical steps you can take to fortify your crypto wallet’s security.

Choose the Most Secure Crypto Wallet

Start by selecting a reputable and well-established cryptocurrency wallet. There are various types to choose from, such as hardware wallets, software wallets like PlasBit, and mobile wallets. Each has its advantages, but ensure it’s from a trusted source.

Choose the Adhere to KYC and AML

Many cryptocurrency exchanges and wallet providers require users to complete KYC procedures, which involve verifying their identity using official documents. Similarly, AML measures are in place to detect and prevent illegal financial activities. Comply with these requirements to enhance the overall security of your wallet and the entire crypto ecosystem.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Many cryptocurrency exchanges and wallet providers require users to complete KYC procedures, which involve verifying their identity using official documents. Similarly, AML measures are in place to detect and prevent illegal financial activities. Comply with these requirements to enhance the overall security of your wallet and the entire crypto ecosystem.

Use Strong Passwords

Create an unidentifiable password for your wallet. Avoid using passwords that hackers can easily guess, and don’t recycle passwords from other accounts. A strong password includes a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols.

Backup Your Wallet

Regularly back up your wallet’s private keys and recovery phrases. Store these backups in a secure, offline location, such as a physical vault or a safety deposit box. This ensures you can recover your assets if your device is lost or compromised.

Beware of Phishing Scams

Be cautious of phishing emails and websites that attempt to steal your wallet information. Double-check the URLs and email sources to confirm their legitimacy. Do not click on suspicious links or download files from untrusted sources.

Keep Your Software Updated

Be cautious of phishing emails and websites that attempt to steal your wallet information. Double-check the URLs and email sources to confirm their legitimacy. Do not click on suspicious links or download files from untrusted sources.

Use Cold Storage

Consider using a hardware wallet or cold storage option for long-term storage of significant amounts of cryptocurrency. PlasBit offers this feature with their wallet.  These devices are offline, making them less susceptible to online attacks.

Regularly Monitor Your Wallet

Keep an eye on your wallet’s transaction history. If you notice any unauthorised or suspicious activity, take immediate action. It’s essential to detect and respond to breaches as early as possible.

Secure Your Device

Ensure your computer or mobile device is free from malware and viruses. Install reputable antivirus software and avoid downloading files or clicking on links from unverified sources.

Educate Yourself

Stay informed about the latest security threats and best practices for crypto wallet security. Being aware of common scams and risks will help you make more informed decisions.

Keep Personal Information Private

Avoid sharing personal information about your crypto wallet, such as your private keys or recovery phrases. These should be kept confidential at all times.

Custodial Exchanges and Protecting Your Funds

When it comes to trading cryptocurrencies, ensuring the safety of your funds is a top priority. While many opt for custodial exchanges to buy, sell, and hold their digital assets, understanding how these platforms protect your funds and storing cryptocurrency offline are crucial to securing your investments. Custodial exchanges are trusted platforms that hold and manage your cryptocurrency assets on your behalf. They offer a user-friendly experience, making it easy for beginners to dive into the world of digital currencies using crypto debit cards and wired transfers. These exchanges play a pivotal role in safeguarding your funds, and here’s how they do it:

  • Cold Storage: This is how to store cryptocurrency offline. Cold storage makes it virtually impossible for hackers to access these funds, as they would need physical access to the storage devices. This secures your assets even more because it makes it hard for hackers to infiltrate them.
  • Insurance Coverage: Many reputable custodial exchanges offer insurance coverage for the digital assets they hold on your behalf. This insurance can provide an added layer of protection in case of unforeseen events, such as a security breach. If anything of the sort happens, all your funds will be returned back to you.
  • Multi-Signature Wallets: Custodial exchanges often use multi-signature wallets to add an extra layer of security. Multi-signature wallets require multiple private keys to authorise a transaction, usually held by different individuals or entities. This means that even if one key is compromised, the funds remain secure.
  • Security Measures: Custodial exchanges invest heavily in security measures, including advanced encryption, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems. They continuously monitor for unusual activities and potential threats to protect your assets.

Custodial exchanges offer a convenient way to trade and store cryptocurrencies while implementing strong security measures to protect your investments. However, for those seeking greater control and an extra layer of security, exchanges like PlasBit are excellent options because 100% of their users’ funds are stored offline. By understanding these alternatives and taking appropriate steps, you can make informed choices about safeguarding your valuable digital assets in cryptocurrencies.

Finding The Way Forward

In this blog post, we have journeyed through the world of crypto wallet security and the alarming reality that crypto wallets and exchanges can be vulnerable to hacks. We also shed light on real-world examples of notable breaches, such as the Mt. Gox, Ronin, BitKeep, and Binance hacks, where millions of dollars worth of digital assets were stolen. These incidents serve as stark reminders that no one is immune to the ever-evolving tactics of hackers. But it’s not all doom and gloom. We also explored practical steps to shield your crypto wallet from potential threats. From safeguarding your private keys and using hardware wallets to being cautious of suspicious emails and links, there are tangible measures you can take to bolster your wallet’s defences. However, should the worst happen and your wallet fall prey to malicious actors, there is a path to recovery. We discussed the steps you can take to regain control and mitigate the damage. Acting swiftly and reporting the incident to relevant authorities and exchanges is crucial. In a digital age where cryptocurrencies are gaining traction, securing your wallet is paramount. While the threat of hacking looms, with vigilance and proactive security measures, you can significantly reduce the risk. Your digital assets are valuable; they deserve the utmost protection. So, as you navigate the exciting world of cryptocurrencies, remember the lessons from this post: be prepared, stay cautious, and safeguard your crypto wallet. By doing so, you can enjoy the benefits of this financial frontier with greater peace of mind, knowing that you’re in control of your digital assets.