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What could the price of DASH be worth in 2022 through 2032?

Based on fundamentals, how much could DASH be worth in the next few months or years? That’s what I would be showing you in this Dash coin price prediction.

After reading this Dash coin price prediction, you’ll be able to see and decide for yourself whether DASH is a good investment opportunity for you or not.

So without much ado, let’s analyse the fundamentals of DASH and then try to come up with some reasonable price predictions for the next fear years.

What is Dash (DASH)?

DASH is a payment coin designed to be used for everyday purchases of goods and services globally, with instant settlements and near-zero fees.

The cryptocurrency claims to be “better than cash” and is accepted by 159,000+ merchants all around the world, as a practical alternative to cash and credit cards.

Furthermore, DASH is used in the international remittances market and is especially popular in regions with technical barriers to traditional payment systems, hyperinflation, etc.

Dash was created because Bitcoin failed to function efficiently as the peer-to-peer electronic cash it’s designed to be, due to high fees and slow transactions.

Check out this video by the Dash team which highlights what the coin is, its unique benefits and features, etc.

A brief history of Dash

Evan Duffield forked the Bitcoin code to create and launch Dash on January 18, 2014.

Originally, the project was called “Xcoin” which was later changed to “DarkCoin”, probably to reflect its privacy nature.

Not satisfied with the associative meaning of the new name, the team decided to rebrand it to “Dash” (Digital Cash) in March 2015.

Over the years, DASH has shifted its focus from a pure privacy coin and aims to be the best payment coin for day-to-day purchases with optional privacy.

In order to make DASH truly decentralized, Evan stepped from running the project in 2015 and thus the Dash DAO was born to run the network via on-chain governance.

Dash governance

Dash is a decentralized and open protocol that’s not under the control of any single entity or group but is managed by the community through the Dash DAO.

The Dash DAO operates a Decentralized Governance by Blockchain (DGBB) system where anybody with 5 DASH can submit a proposal that if approved, gets funded from the Dash treasury.

How does the Dash DAO work?

The Dash network uses 10% of all block rewards to fund its own development.

Every time a block is mined, 45% of the reward goes to the miners, 45% goes to the masternodes, and the remaining 10% goes to the treasury.

That is how Dash is able to hire and pay developers, marketing, legal, and other personnel from all over the world to build and grow its network.

The entire voting and funding process is all on the blockchain. This self-dunging system makes Dash one of the most decentralized crypto projects.

Check out the video below for a visual explanation of the Dash DAO and how it works.

Dash technical specifications and features

  • The first Dash block was mined on January 18, 2014, at 11 pm EST.
  • There was no premine, no ICO, and no team allocations.
  • Dash uses the X11 hashing algorithm and supports CPU/GPU/ASIC mining.
  • The Dash network has a 2.6 minute block time, 2MB block size, and 56 transactions per second. The block size can be scaled with demand.
  • Dash block reward decreases by 7.14% every year.
  • Dash uses the Dark Gravity Wave difficulty adjustment algorithm to automatically adjust the block difficulty based on the last 24 blocks in order to guarantee that all the blocks have an average of 2.6 minutes of confirmation time.
  • The total supply of Dash is between 17.74 million and 18.92 million.
  • Dash pioneered the concept of masternodes, its second-level structure nodes which enable instant transactions (InstantSend) and privacy (PrivateSend) on the network.
  • The project was also the first to start and use a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) as its governance system.
  • Dash offers superior privacy using CoinJoin.
  • You can send instant transactions using Dash’s InstantSend feature.
  • Dash is protected against blockchain reorganization events (or 51% attacks) using ChainLocks.
  • Decentralized Governance By Blockchain allows masternode owners to vote on budget proposals and decisions that affect Dash

Let’s take a closer look at the main features of Dash below.

1. Masternode

Masternode is the most defining feature of Dash and brings increased scalability and security to the network.

This proprietary two-tier network system has enabled Dash to offer innovative features and improve its security, decentralization, and scalability.

Anyone with 1000 DASH coins can become a Masternode on the Dash network through staking for the opportunity to earn 45% of block rewards.

Each masternode user has one vote on proposals submitted through the Dash DAO or DGBB as well as enable or support the other features of Dash, including:

  • InstantSend: This allows for near-instant transactions. Dash InstantSend transactions are fully confirmed within two seconds.
  • CoinJoin: This enables Dash to offer optional privacy through coin mixing and obfuscation technology.
  • ChainLocks: This protects the Dash blockchain against 51% mining attacks by signing blocks as they are mined.
  • Governance and Treasury: This allows Dash stakeholders to determine the direction and shape the future of the project through voting.
  • Dash Evolution: This will make using cryptocurrency as easy as using PayPal.

Below, we discuss each of these additional and other features of Dash so that you can fully understand the fundamentals upon which our price prediction is based.

2. InstantSend

Naturally, PoW blockchain transactions take between 15 minutes to one hour to confirm and be sure that it is irreversible.

InstantSend enables Dash transactions to be finalised in seconds without sacrificing decentralization as some other chains do.

Through InstantSend, Dash masternodes regularly form voting quorums to check whether a submitted transaction is valid or not.

If it’s valid, the masternodes “lock” the inputs for the transaction and broadcast this information to the network. The transactions even get 5 confirmations immediately after they’re broadcasted.

This assures that the transaction will be included in the next blocks to be produced and that the sender will not be allowed to transfer the same coins to a different wallet.

As a result, merchants can now accept a Dash payment and release goods to the customer immediately without worrying about the transaction being reversed afterwards.

To use InstantSend, a user must select to pay using InstantSend during the transaction process.

Watch the video below for a visual explanation and walkthrough of how Dash’s InstantSend work in real life.

3. CoinJoin

CoinJoin is what makes Dash a privacy coin.

It uses an innovative shuffling process that joins your Dash transactions with that of at least two other people in a single transaction without your coins ever leaving your wallet.

Click here for a complete walkthrough on how to use the Dash CoinJoin feature.

4. ChainLocks

Blockchain transactions require multiple confirmations before they can be safely accepted as payment for goods and services. This leads to a waste of time and makes using cryptocurrencies for payment inconvenient.

And that’s the problem Chainlocks solve.

This technology, particularly when used in parallel with InstantSend, creates an environment in which Dash payments can be accepted immediately.

Click here for a more detailed technical explanation of ChainLocks.

5. Governance and Treasury

With its Decentralized Governance by Blockchain (DGBB), Dash was able to solve the problems of governance and funding at the same time.

The DGBB puts the decision-making power in the hands of Dash stakeholders (masternodes) which allows them to vote yes, no, or abstain on proposals. If a proposal passes, it can then be implemented (or not) by the Developers.

Furthermore, the DGBB also provides a means for the Dash network to fund its own development, while other projects depend on donations, the sale of premined coins or VC money for funding.

Dash funds itself by allocating 10% of all mined block rewards to the treasury, which is then used to fund approved proposals.

6. Dash Evolution

Dash Evolution is a decentralized platform built on Dash that aims to provide simple access to the unique features and benefits of Dash as a complete global payment system.

However, this product is still in development as can be seen on the Dash roadmap.

7. Sporks

Blockchains are upgraded through forks which could cause unforeseen issues for the network.

As a solution, the Dash development team created a mechanism by which updated code is released to the network, but not immediately made active or enforced.

This allows for a smooth transition than in the traditional hard forks, as well as the collection of test data in the live network environment.

This multi-phased forking process was originally called “soft forking” but the Dash community affectionately dubbed it “the spork” and that’s how Sporks came about.

8. X11 hashing algorithm

X11 is hashing algorithm developed for Dash by its founder, Evan Duffield in 2014. It utilizes a sequence of eleven scientific hashing algorithms for the proof-of-work.

The X11 algorithm uses multiple rounds of 11 different hashes (blake, bmw, groestl, jh, keccak, skein, luffa, cubehash, shavite, simd, echo).

Thus making it one of the safest and more sophisticated cryptographic hashes in use by modern cryptocurrencies.

9. Sentinel

Sentinel is described as an autonomous agent for persisting, processing and automating Dash governance objects and tasks.

10. Dark Gravity Wave

The Dark Gravity Wave (DGW) is an open-source difficulty-adjusting algorithm for Bitcoin-based cryptocurrencies that was first used in Dash and has been adopted by other cryptocurrencies.

DGW was developed by Evan Duffield and works by adjusting the difficulty level of the blockchain in every block.

This makes it possible to produce blocks with relatively consistent times, even if the hashing power experiences high fluctuations, without suffering from a time-warp exploit.

Now that you know what Dash is made of, let’s analyse its tokenomics and market dynamics so that we can come up with sensible price expectations for the coin.

DASH coin tokenomics

Dash has a maximum supply of 18,920,000 of which 10,777,498 are in circulation as of today, June 18, 2022.

Similar to Bitcoin halving, Dash’s block reward is reduced by 7.14% in every 210240 blocks or 365 days (one year).

The current block reward is 2.68 Dash + transaction fees. After the next block reward reduction, it will be 2.49 Dash + transaction fees.

At this rate, the entire DASH supply is expected to be fully mined and be in circulation by 2300 (app.). This constantly reducing inflation is expected to enhance the scarcity of the coin and support its value.

DASH use cases

DASH has two primary use cases. These are, to:

  1. pay for goods and services with instant settlement and near-zero fees, and
  2. secure the network through masternodes staking.

According to this report, there’re currently 4,462 masternodes on the Dash network staking a total of 4,462,000 DASH (41.49%) valued at over $284 million.

This is not only good for the network security, but it also ensures there’s less DASH available to be sold which should help sustain its price.

Furthermore, investors that do not have enough DASH to become a masternode can stake their coins with a masternode and share in their rewards.

Two popular masternodes you can stake your DASH with are Valkyrie Dash Trust (VDASH) and CakeDeFi. However, note that both of them are centralized platform companies.

In addition, Dash has been gaining new grounds in terms of adoption as evidenced by the growing list of merchants accepting DASH as payment for goods and services.

The bigger the adoption, the more DASH is stocked by users who need it to buy stuff and the more vendors might be willing to hold some of the coins.

But what does this all mean for the price of DASH?

Dash price prediction for 2022 ($90.9)

DASH is a payment coin, just like Bitcoin (BTC) and Bitcoin Cash (BCH but does it better than both. Also, its supply is slightly lower than that of BTC’s and BCH’s 21 million.

However, its current marketcap ($678,176,997) is just a little over 18% of BCH and a minuscule 0.16% of BTC.

Showing how ridiculously undervalued DASH is.

Now, what do you think the market value of a superior payment cryptocurrency, privacy and staking coin with a low supply as DASH should be?

To begin with, it shouldn’t be less than $1 billion, even in a bear market like the one we’re in right now.

And that is where I base my DASH price prediction for 2022. At a $1 billion marketcap by December 2022 DASH’s price would be $90.9.

That’s a 99.8% price increase from the current price of $40 as of today June 18, 2022.

This price is arrived at by dividing the expected marketcap of $1 billion by the project circulating supply of 11 million.

Based on the block reward of 2.49 Dash per day, the circulating supply is projected to be around 11 million.

But if the bear market continues and there’s no major good news to help with some recovery, we could see DASH below $60 all through 2022.

Dash cryptocurrency price prediction for 2023 ($100-$150)

Would this current lethargic market condition persist through 2023? Nobody knows for certain, but I expect DASH to touch $100 to $150 before the end of 2023.

I am not expecting any serious bull run before the next Bitcoin halving cycle in 2024.

However, I’m confident the market will not just stand still or only keep going down all through 2023.

Remember how Bitcoin went from $6,000 to $13000 and then back down to the $6,000 – $9,000 range during the 2018/2019 bear market?

That’s what I expect to see between now and 2023, and $150 is the projected upper price limit for DASH in 2023.

Furthermore, with an expected circulating supply of 11.5 million, a price of $150 would give DASH a marketcap of $1.725 billion. To me, this is a perfectly reasonable valuation.

Finally, according to CoinDataFlow, if Dash should have 100% of Bitcoin’s previous average growth rate, it would be worth $143.16 in 2023.

Dash cryptocurrency price prediction for 2024-2025 ($200-$500)

It’s almost guaranteed that the cryptocurrency market would experience a major bull run starting in the few months after the Bitcoin halving event.

And the next Bitcoin halving event is expected to occur in April 2024.

So, you can expect a conservative 2x to 5x increase in the price of DASH between 2024 through 2025.

That puts our DASH price prediction for 2025 at $200 to $500, up from the 2023 projected top of $150.

This will take the DASH marketcap to $2.4 billion – $6 billion, given a projected circulating supply of 12 million.

Considering that DASH’s previous all-time high price was $1,493.59, you’ll notice that we’re being conservative with our predictions here.

Furthermore, the CoinDataFlow DASH price prediction based on Bitcoin’s average growth rate is $515.29 by 2024.

Dash cryptocurrency price prediction for 2026-2032

CoinDataFlow also puts the price of DASH at $6,675.72 by 2026 if it enjoys the same average growth rate as Bitcoin.

If you muster the courage to hold DASH for 10 years, all the way to 2032, I’m almost certain you will be rewarded with a minimum of 100x reward.

This is based on my own conservative DASH price prediction of $5,000 minimum, by 2032.


Between 2022 and 2032, the price of DASH should increase from just a little under $100 to $5000+

This is as conservative as it can get with my DASH price prediction for 2022 through  2032, based on the coin’s fundamentals.

  • DASH is one of the best payment coins out there, aggressively pushing for mass adoption.
  • It has already gained a strong user base and adoption in some countries.
  • It has superior technology and a lower supply compared to its main rivals, Bitcoin and BCH.
  • It has a wide and fast-growing network of merchants accepting the coin.
  • We have accounted for 2 Bitcoin halvings in this price prediction, an event which is almost concluded to precede major bull runs.

With all of these and other facts, Dash is clearly one of the best cryptocurrencies to buy now with the potential for a 100x in the next 2 to 10 years.

What is your own DASH coin price prediction for the next few years? Share with us in the comments section below.